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Graduate Students

Advisor: Valeria Milam
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Summer 2018
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Preet Singh
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Josh Kacher
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Preet Singh
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Shannon Yee
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Jason Azoulay
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Gleb Yushin
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Michael Filler
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Eric Vogel
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Seung Soon Jang
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Meisha Shofner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Satish Kumar
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Graduate Student
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Richard Neu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Gleb Yushin
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Younan Xia
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Seung Soon Jang
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2017
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Advisor: Marta Hatzell
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2022
Advisor: Seung Soon Jang
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Meisha Shofner
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Craig Forest
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Eraso Toro
Advisor: Jason Azoulay
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Jerry Qi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Advisor: Naresh Thadhani
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Valeria Milam
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Shu Jia
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Summer 2022
Advisor: Todd Sulchek
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2017
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: C. P. Wong
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Donggang Yao
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2023
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Jason Azoulay
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Gleb Yushin
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2017
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Advisor: Naresh Thadhani
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Summer 2023
Sean Li
Advisor: Preet Singh
Advisor: Chaitanya Deo
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: C. P. Wong
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: 2022
Advisor: Youjiang Wang
Advisor: Karl Jacob
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: C. P. Wong
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Ben Wang
Advisor: Chuck Zhang
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Jud Ready
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2015
Advisor: Young Jang (Biological Sciences) & Shu Takayama- BME
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2021
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Satish Kumar
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Eric Vogel
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Valeria Milam
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Mark Losego
Advisor: Muhannad Bakir
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Advisor: Hailong Chen
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Karl Jacob
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Carlos Silva
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Bavesh Rajaraman
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: John Reynolds
Advisor: Shannon Yee
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Meisha Shofner
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2022
Advisor: Meisha Shofner
Advisor: John Reynolds
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2021
Advisor: Gleb Yushin
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Suman Das
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Josh Kacher
Advisor: Naresh Thadhani
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Will Gutekunst
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Azoulay
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Donggang Yao
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Eric Vogel
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Karl Jacob
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Advisor: Josiah Hester
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Eric Vogel
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Graduate Student
Advisor: Naresh Thadhani
Degree Level: PhD
GSAG:Board Member
Matriculation: Fall 2017
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Ting Zhu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Natalie Stingelin
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Satish Kumar
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Summer 2020
Advisor: C. P. Wong
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Young Jang- Biological Sciences & Ed Botchwey- BME
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020